Prions | Imtiaj360 - Imtiaj360 | The Ultimate Blogger


Wednesday 26 June 2019

Prions | Imtiaj360

Prion is misfolded protein which characterizes several fatal neurodegenerative disease in humans and many other animals. So the Prion has been defined as "small proteinous infections particles which resist inactivation by produces that modify nucleic acids."

The Prions are macromolecules, smaller than any known viruses with molecular weights 30,000 Da.

Prions, Image: Google

Disease Caused By Prions:

A. Animal disease.

1. Scrapie- Sheep

2. TME

3. CWD

4. BSE :BovineS Encephalopathy, popularly known as mad cow disease.

B. Human disease:

1. CJD (Cruezfeld- Jacob Disease): CJD is the most common disease. It usually affects people around the age 60. VCJD can affects the younger adults.

2. Getsmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome (GSS)

3. Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI).

4. Kuru: Kuru is founded in New Guinea.

5. Alpers Syndrome.

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