Leaf Blight Disease of Rice | Imtiaj360 - Imtiaj360 | The Ultimate Blogger


Thursday 27 June 2019

Leaf Blight Disease of Rice | Imtiaj360

Leaf Blight Disease, Image: Farms.com

Host: Oryza sativa L.

Collateral Host: Leersia oryzoids (effective in Japan)

Causal Organism:

Xanthomonas campestris ,Earlier it was known as  Xanthomonas oryzae.

This pathogen is a gram negative, non spore forming, rod-shaped bacterium with round ends measuring 1-2 mu m × 0.8-1 mu m with monotrichous flagellum of 6-8mu m. The optimum temperature for growth of bacterium is 25-30°C and thermal death point 53°C.

Disease Cycle:

Management of Disease:

A. Cultural methods-

1. In Japan,the nursery beds and Fields are kept from being deeply flooded to reduce the disease.

2. In India, the previous year’s plant debris should be burnt to destroy the bacteria present in the infected straw. ( Suleiman et al , 1972)

3. In Philippines, the elimination of ratoon rice and volunteer plants has been recommended to reduce the source of primary inoculum.

4. Seedbeds must be in disease free area to restrict the disease.

B. Physical Control:

Soaking the seeds in water for 12 hours followed by hot water treatment for 30 minutes at 52-54°C to reduce the disease.

C.  Chemical Control:

1. Seed Treatment:

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