Citrus Cankers | Plant Diseases - Imtiaj360 | The Ultimate Blogger


Monday 10 June 2019

Citrus Cankers | Plant Diseases

Citrus Canker is a widespread contagious plant disease throughout the citrus-growing regions around the world.

Origin & History: 

There are many controversy about the geographical origin of Citrus canker. According to Lee(1918), it may have arisen from Southern China,assumed Fortunella hindsii to be the wild host plant.

However,Fewcett and Jewkins(1933) reported, this bacterial disease originated from India and Java.

In India, citrus occupies third position among fruits after mango and banana of its cultivation.

Citrus Canker on lemon, Pic: Google

Causal Organism: The causal organism i.e. pathogen is Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri .

The pathogen is Gram-negative, rod shaped, aerobic, and capsules, having single polar flagellum, 1.5-2.0×0.5-0.75 mu in size. In culture medium, a green colour fluorescent pigment is produced by the bacterium.

Management of Disease:

The following methods are generally recommended to control or reduce the disease:

A. Cultural methods

1. Sanitation:
To destroy the primary inoculum, all the affected parts of plant must be pruining during dry season and burnt.

2. Quarantine Measures: Plant quarantine measures and rules must be followed to resist the dissemination of bacteria from one country to others.

3. Nursery Stock: Disease free nursery stock can be reduced the disease at a significant level.

4. Growth of Plant:. Application of proper amount of fertilizer and irrigation should be maintained to growth and vigour the plant.

B. Chemical control:

1. Fungicides: To control the disease, spraying fungicides like Lime-Sulphur and 1% Bordeaux mixture is often very fruitful.

2. Antibiotics: Spraying antibiotics such as Streptomycin (in concentration of 500-1000 ppm), Phytomycin (2500 ppm), Agrimycin 100 etc are very effective at 10-15 day's interval.

C. Others:

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