Chandrayaan 2 : India's Second Moon Mission And Objectives - Imtiaj360 | The Ultimate Blogger


Friday 2 August 2019

Chandrayaan 2 : India's Second Moon Mission And Objectives

Chandrayaan 2 is the second moon mission of India, developed by Indian Space Research Organisation. It was launched on 22nd July, 2019 at 2:43pm( IST).First time it was schedule launch on 15th Jul to moon by Chandrayaan 2. It will help to expand India's footprint in space, will inspire the future generations of scientists, engineers, space explorers and international aspirations. Chandrayaan 2 is the advanced version of Chandrayaan 1, launched in 2008.

Chandrayaan 2, Image Source:
The Main Objects:

Orbiter payloads.

A.  Terrain Mapping Camera 2 : TMC 2 is a miniature version of Terrain Mapping Camera which was used in Chandrayaan 1. It's primary objective is to map the lunar surface in panchromatic spectral band (0.5-0.8) with a high spatial resolution of 5m and swarth of 20km from 100km lunar polar orbit.

B. Chandrayaan 2 Large Area Soft X-ray Spectrometer: To examine the present of major elements such as Magnesium, Aluminium, Silver, Calcium, Titanium, Iron and Sodium, Large area Soft X-ray Spectrometer will measure.

C. Solar X-ray Monitor: Solar X-ray  Monitor observes the X-rays emitted by Sun and its corona. The primary objective of this payloads is to provide X-ray Spectrum in energy range of 1-15keV.

D. Orbiter High Resolution Camera: It provides high-resolution image of landing site; ensuring the Lander's safe touchdown by detecting any craters or boulders prior to separation.

E. Imaging IR Spectrometer:

It has two primary objectives---
     a. Global mineralogical and volatile mapping of the Moon in spectral range of ~0.8-0.5 micrometer for the first time, at the high resolution of ~20nm.
     b. Complete characterisation of water/ hydroxyl feature near 3.0 micrometer for the first time high spatial (~80m) and spectral (~20nm) resolutions.

F. Dual Synthetic Aperture Radar: The main scientific objectives are following---

a. High-resolution lunar mapping in the polar regions.
b. Quantative estimation of water-ice in the polar regions.
c. Estimations of regolith thickness and its distribution.

G. Chandrayaan 2 Atmospheric Compositional Explorer 2: CHACE 2 will continue the CHACE experiment carried out by Chandrayaan 1. CHACE 2's primary objectives is to carry out an in-situ study of the composition and distribution of the lunar neutral exosphere and its variations.

Vikram Payloads.





Pragyan Payloads



Passive Experiment:

Laser Retroreflector Array: To understand the dynamics of Earth's Moon System and also derives clues on the Lunar interior.



Muthayya Vanitha
Ritu Karidhal
Chandrayaan ta Kumar
Mylswamy Annadurai

The Story Behind Chandrayaan 2:

First time ISRO complies with USSA

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