Endangered Animals In India and Red Data Books | Imtiaj360° - Imtiaj360 | The Ultimate Blogger


Friday 12 July 2019

Endangered Animals In India and Red Data Books | Imtiaj360°

The country, India is a peerless adobe of wonderful and full of exotic animals. There are more than 500 wildlife sanctuaries and 100 national parks which give shelter to an enormous number of endangered species and wild animals through the country.

The country is blessing with diverse and almost unique creations. Although due to human's interference, many animals are now on the abolishing way. Not only man's actions determine the fate of animals but also change of climate plays a major role of their existence as well. 

1. Royal Bengal Tiger.

Royal Bengal Tiger is considered as the nation animal of two major countries; India and Bangladesh. Approximately 70% wild tigers of world live in India. In 2008, it is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red list. It is threatened by poaching, loss and fragmentation of habitat. 

Royal Bengal Tiger, Image: thebetterindia.com

Bengal Tigers are endangered and fast vanishing due to the natural habitat, human interference. The tropical evergreen forests, deciduous forests, mangroves swamps, thorn forests and the grass of jungles are almost disappeared.

2. Snow Leopard.

3. Red Panda

4. Black Buck

5. Asiatic Lions

6. Nilgiri Tahr

7. Himalayan Wolf

8. Lions-tailed Macaque

9. One Horned Rhinoceros

10. Kashmir Stag

11. Indian Elephant

12. Wild Water Buffalo.

13. Elvira Rat

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